Set up


Creating the Virtual Environment

You will need to create the virtual environment before you can run the labeler for the first time. The following commands will create a new Python3 virtual environment, activate it, and install the required packages. Note, your python executable may be named python or python3 depending on your installation.

cd <path-to-JABS-folder>
python -m venv jabs.venv
source jabs.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


The virtual environment must be activated before you can run the labeling interface. To activate, run the following command:

source jabs.venv/bin/activate


The virtual environment can be deactivated if you no longer need it:


Installing on Apple M1/M2 Silicone

To install the app on Apple’s newer M1/M2 macbooks, the user needs to install via anaconda using the following instructions:

conda env create -n jabs -f environment_jabs.yml
conda activate jabs

Enabling XGBoost Classifier

The XGBoost Classifier has a dependency on the OpenMP library. This does not ship with MacOS. XGBoost should work “out of the box” on other platforms. On MacOS, you can install libomp with Homebrew (preferred) with the following command brew install libomp.

Launching JABS GUI

To launch JABS from the command prompt, open a command prompt in the JABS directory and run the following commands:


If everything runs smoothly, you should see a JABS startup window like the following:

alternate text

Preparing the JABS Project

Once the JABS environment is activated, prepare your project folder. The folder should contain the videos for labeling and the corresponding pose file for each video. Once prepared, you may either proceed to open the JABS GUI or initialize the project folder prior to working using

python <project_dir>

This will generate the JABS features for the project for the default window size of 5. The argument ‘-w’ can be used to set the initial window size for feature generation.

Starting up

You can open the JABS GUI with the command:
